Saturday, May 1, 2010

Two Heads are better than One

One of the adversaries greatest tools in bringing down God's children is that of division. We are more vulnerable alone than we are when we are surrounded by people who want to love and help us.
Earlier today I was reading out of the Book of Mormon in Alma chapter 4. In verse 12 it reads "Yea, he [Alma] saw great inequality among the people." I once heard that Pride is the mother of all sins. I would agree with this because pride leads to so many problems that would not occur if we all believed and saw each other equally and in the way that God our eternal father sees us.
Satan starts with pride, using it as his greatest tools to establish disunion among the people of God because he knows that if we are divided we will fall easier.
We have seen examples of this everywhere including in the animal Kingdom. When a predator wants to take down it's prey it does not attack the group as a whole but rather singles one of them out and then chases it down and kills it.
I am also reminded of the story in Alma of Amalakiah and the way in which he carefully and over time persuades an unsuspecting Lehonti to come down the mountain by himself into the midst of the wolf.
The devil is cunning and he will stop at nothing to get us on our own where he can destroy us. We should never give into those traitorous feelings of feeling like we are better on our own. I have at times felt like this. It is always better to stay in the presence of those who love us and want to take care of us.
There is a reason that God sent us down in family units. He wants us to be unified as families and in the church. The LDS church is based on this whole idea in the forms of wards, branches, stakes... etc. The Lord does not want us to be alone so he puts us with people who can help us in our life journey. Only we can distance ourselves from this safe haven and we must never allow it because our greatest enemy and adversary will snatch us up in the moment that we are alone.