Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I don't know what to write about

Well that's weird, I usually always have an idea of what I want to write on. Writing for me is a way to express what I feel inwardly. I usually write the best when I am the most sentimental about something, or at least when I feel the most on that specific subject. Right now I don't know what to say. This entire week has been one of those weeks where you feel so unproductive and so lazy. I feel like a movie junkie.
It's like I am sitting here waiting for my life to get started. When that will happen I have no idea. If you can't tell, I am being slightly sarcastic. I am very good at that. Ask any of my friends and they will tell you it's true. Actually they might just answer you back with sarcasm themselves. So that's where I get it. Hmm...
It's like my mom has always told me, vacations are good but eventually you have to get back on track. I want to get back on track, it's just a question of whether or not I choose to stop being lazy.
The problem is this, I often wait for circumstances to dictate whether or not I should work hard or just sit around. I keep telling myself that things will get better when I start work next week. Hmm... we'll see about that.
I have talked about this before. I just wrote a wonderful paper on how the mind can work to benefit the human body and that people have the ability to control and monitor the mind. I know very well that I can choose right now to get up off my butt and go do something. But will I? Why is it so hard for human beings to be happy? I mean that in the sense that we have such a hard time choosing to be happy and I will tell you right now that life was not meant to be absolute bliss. If we choose to let circumstance dictate our happiness then we are going to be miserable forever.
Sad as it is that's the way it will be. There's a reason God gave us free agency, the ability to choose. And there is a reason he gives us trials. Wouldn't you know it? Those things go hand in hand. Go figure. You can tie in everything if you really want to. He gives us trials so that we can choose to be happy.
There I have said it. I suppose that is the topic of what I am writing on today. Ok now to make myself feel slightly better, there will be hard times. There always are, but there are good times too and I think that when I remember the good and happy times I can be happy even when I am laying in bed wondering what to do with myself.
So maybe I will be more inventive next time. I know that this topic is the underlying theme in all of my blog posts so far. I would ask my readers to forgive me for that but know that maybe this is something I need to understand better.

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