Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Is this any good?

OK so I am working on starting a book, so far I have the prologue. I would appreciate any comments that you might have on whether or not it grabs the attention and if you felt like it was worth reading. Thanks :)

The sun shone down, baking the city of Las Angeles with its heated rays. The hustle and bustle of the large city had quieted in the late, July afternoon, as the temperature had reached a scorching 115 degrees. A large granite building occupied a good portion of the street, its 100 foot walls towering to the sky, casting a large shadow in all directions. In front of the building lay a large square. In the exact center of the square was a fountain; the gurgling water the only sound that disrupted the still afternoon. A large arch encased the glass doors at the entrance. The label on the façade of the building, lining the arch, read in gold lettering: Harrington Enterprises.
A single man stood in front of the square. The man’s face was weather beaten and worn with age. He wore a dark blue suit, his shoes polished with care as if they were brand new. He turned his eyes, squinting, to look at the sun, mopping the back of his neck with a handkerchief as he did so. Sweat beaded down the man’s face in large drops as he anticipated the task ahead. He was used to the scorching heat having been born and raised in LA. On any other day he would hardly have noticed the temperature; but today was different, and he couldn’t help the nervous knot that was beginning to tie up his stomach. Pulling the handkerchief out once again he wiped his face and licked his dry lips turning to face the doors on the opposite end of the square. Taking a deep breath he walked toward the doors pulling from the back of his trousers a shiny revolver.

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