Saturday, July 25, 2009

Accepting Ourselves- Getting rid of the Mask

Too often, I think we find that we are unsatisfied with ourselves. We all have various perks that we would like to change. A lot of people find themselves desperately searching for ways to fit in and become one of the crowd. I have in my life time, seen many people fall victim to this; they become in a way two-faced. It can be very annoying and frustrating to see certain people do this, especially when you have seen their other side rather than the mask that they put on for certain people. Don't get me wrong, I have found myself guilty of this at certain times but I also realize that is exhausting, trying to keep up with what you believe others will want to see. The funny thing is that most of the time people really don't care what we are doing. We all worry too much about what others think when really they probably don't even notice. I have come to realize that being myself has gained me just as many friends as I may have had, pretending to be someone that I am not. But the important part is that the friends that I have are the good ones. They may not be popular, and they may not be the best looking or have the best hair or the best clothes, (at least according to the worlds standards) but they are my true friends and they have helped me through so much. I know that if I needed them, they would come immediately to my aid. A friend very dear to me has helped me so much with this. He has taught me that I am perfect the way that God made me. I don't have to be dissatisfied with myself or worry about my imperfections and faults. The reality is that if you find satisfaction with who you are and what you have, you will be the happiest person on this earth.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know, the world once told me in confidence that it adamantly believes that Robert has the best clothes, and that Jordan is the best looking. As to hair, the world actually isn't at all in favor of hair to begin with. They haven't had a good relationship since people started grooming their hair during times when they really should have been gardening. As a result the world would much rather us all be bald. True story.
