Sunday, July 26, 2009

What do I have to cry about?

So many times I have felt depressed or sad and I have just wanted to cry. Sure sometimes crying is good for you. Sometimes it is better to let it out rather than hold everything in. However I have on occasion felt sad for really no apparent reason. I just want to cry because I want comfort and I want attention. The best way to describe this emotion is that I want to cry but I can't. Part of that is because I do not feel like I have any real reason to be upset. It's like I am looking for ways to be unhappy and that is where the problem is. Crying is not a bad thing, it is only when we constantly feel sorry for ourselves that it can be damaging to us. I believe that Satan, the devil and enemy to all mankind, wants us to feel this way because when we are so emotionally down on ourselves it is easier for him to take place in our hearts and to tell us that we are worthless. When we feel sorry for ourselves we are feeling a worldly sorrow rather than a Godly sorrow. Worldly sorrow is a selfish sorrow and can only lead us to feel worse about ourselves. So many times we have felt feelings of despair and grief; these feelings are confusing because we do not fully understand what we are so depressed about. The best and only way to get out of this trap is to turn to a loving God who wants nothing more than for us to be happy. He will help us if we just turn to him; I have experienced these desperate feelings of despair. You will feel as though there is nobody to turn to and you will feel helpless; but you are not. Just remember that when you do feel this way and you wonder to yourself why you are so sad or what you have to cry about, remember that the Lord is always just a prayer a way. You just have to make the effort to go to him.

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