Monday, August 9, 2010

Everyone has a Voice

From the time I was little I had a voice. As soon as I could speak I told myself stories. At first it was simply stories I already knew, based off of a book or a movie I had watched recently, adjusted to my taste and my personality. My parents could see it right away; I was not a normal child. ;) Hour after hour was spent rehearsing to myself with magazine in hand the story of characters that pervaded my mind.
Everyone has a story to tell and we are all just dying to let it out. But… in a highly competitive world full of interruptions and everyone competing for their turn in the spot light sometimes the voice you have inside of you is silenced. Or is it? Me… my voice was so strong that I let it out by telling myself my story even if no one else would listen. Personally I think that the writers of our world are those people who aren’t aggressive enough to fight for their chance to speak and yet can’t sit still without letting it all out. Before I became a writer I let it out by talking to myself. The characters that have never made it onto paper are vivid in my mind. I developed them, each unique and with a voice of their own.
I have always wanted to be unique, the kind of person who had a story unlike any other, a story that people would have to pay attention to. Although frankly my life just isn’t that exciting…
So I am left with the option of creating a life inside of my head that is more exciting, full of adventure, betrayal, intrigue and suspense. Would I really want any of the things that happen in the movies to happen to me in real life? Um…. Probably not, but that’s why it’s a story.
As a young girl I never realized just how prevalent my story was to me. It was my identity… no wonder it was screaming to get out. I write this not because I think anyone will care to read it but because I have a story that I need to get out if only for myself to read and reflect on.
If anyone were to read this, I would tell them that their story is important and that they have a voice that needs to be heard. I don’t care what the world says! I don’t care if you are black, white, yellow or purple… you are important and anyone who says otherwise is still a child of God no matter how mislead they may be.
I guess all I am saying is this… before you judge a person; learn their story, get to know them. Nothing hurts worse than having someone jump to conclusions before they read your story…

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