Monday, August 9, 2010

Patience is a Virtue

When you look up the word virtue you get a definition that reads "Moral Excellence, goodness or righteousness." The word Excellence is one that sticks out to me. Excellence meaning the fact or state of excelling; superiority; eminence. We are not just to live up to expectation but to excel and to surpass the world's expectations.
Leading me to my next point that Patience is a virtue. How many of us can safely say that we have never cut someone off, have never sat in line to buy our groceries without stamping our feet or tapping our fingers or have never screamed at a sibling to hurry up because we need to leave? We are all guilty... yes come on admit it.
I think I can guess what some of you might be thinking. Well... I am not the only one who is impatient... everyone around me does exactly the same thing... so I am justified in getting upset every once in a while, after all no one is perfect. True... No one is perfect and we all have flaws.
I am not trying to say that whoever yells at the driver in front of them is going to Hell. However back to my previous statement... Patience is a virtue. Let me rephrase that... Patience is a step in achieving moral excellence. Starting to make sense?
The world might be impatient but we as a virtuous people are striving to be more excellent in our ability to demonstrate patience. President Uchtdorf, 2nd counselor in the 1st Presidency of the church of Jesus Christ said this of patience: "...Patience is not passive resignation, nor is it failing to act because of our fears. Patience means active waiting and enduring... Patience is not simply enduring; it is enduring well!..."
He goes on to say that impatience is the result of selfishness. If we are impatient with our fellow man we do not love them and we are not putting them above ourselves. We are thinking only of our own selfish desires. To be patient we have to love those around us and have the desire to serve them and understand them better.
I have learned that patience is more than simply sitting and waiting for the hard times to pass you by. To be patient you have to be "anxiously engaged in a good cause." D&C 58: 27 while you are waiting.
To me patience is simply an outward act of kindness. When you are patient with those around you you better appreciate them and treat them with the respect and love that they, as God's children, deserve.

1 comment:

  1. Good words. Sir, why not continue and share. Thank You and with Best Wishes.
